
My name is Dzesika Devic. That’s me on the right. I’m a Toronto film photographer. I like photographing people in whatever capacity that may be; weddings, events, concerts, on the street, portraits, projects of any kind.

I like connecting with people on a deeper level, sharing ideas and photographing anything.

Photographs that encompass genuine emotion. 

That embody the feel rather than

manufactured poses; inspired by you.

No trendy editing.

You will still love your photos decades from now. Your digital photographs are edited minimally to resemble how the day looked.

I love photography.

There is no difference between photography and wedding photography. However that line often gets blurred in the industry and what you end up seeing are photographs that can be interchanged from one wedding to another.

A painless experience.

We won’t direct you into awkward poses or create an uncomfortable atmosphere on your wedding day. We see ourselves as guests with a camera.

You’re you.

We don’t see you or your wedding as just another person, or just another day. We are passionate about art and accurate storytelling.

Documentary photography inspired from cinema and art,

for whatever you need photos for.

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