My Favorite Time to Photograph Someone
Is when they’re tired.
Photographed with a Leica M6, Kodak Ektachrome 35mm slide film
It’s after the photo shoot is "done.”
Photographed with a Leica M6, Kodak TMAX 400 35mm film
It’s at this point, all inhibitions are gone.
It's not just acting candid.
It's a level of true unawareness in front of the camera.
Photographed with a Leica M6, Kodak TMAX 400 35mm film
I love this simple quote by Pinkhassov:
“Good photos have come when I least controlled the situation.”
- Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Photographed with a Leica M6, Kodak TMAX 400 35mm film
Photographed with a Leica Mtyp 240
I always find when I step in, the magic of the moment is lost.
It can’t be recreated.
The best thing to do is observe, be ready and react.
Photographed with a Leica M6, Kodak TMAX 400 35mm film
One of the best times to do this is when people are tired.
And even if they do notice you, they are too tired to fight
that “awkward” feeling.
During a wedding day emotions run high. There is excitement, nervousness, and anticipation accumulating. These emotions can still make someone unaware while their photo is being taken. I take advantage of these emotions. They are the best time to get true candid wedding photographs of the couple and their family and friends.
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