Life is Stranger Than You Think
“What happened? I don’t see anything.”
I recently shared the above photograph to an online Toronto Street Photography Collective, and received the introductory comment from a fellow comrade.
They later apologized, but I assured them there was no need for an apology.
You see, photography is subjective. What one person finds interesting another does not, and so is born the idea of genres.
However, different kinds of photography can teach us something we didn’t previously know.
Are we missing seemingly boring scenes that are actually fascinating and that can make a dreadful trip to the grocery store, one to actually look forward to?
Shot with slide film, developed with E6 processing at Downtown camera. DT Camera sends out any E6 processing film to E6it for you. More info on where to buy film and where to develop film in Toronto can be found here.
Through observational exercise (Yes - an exercise! It’s like a muscle, the more you practice observing the more you will see) you can add some richness to your days.
More than ever we need to find enjoyment in the little things we do.
Perhaps we can’t travel, we can’t see our friends, we can’t go out. But we have the world at our disposal and there is no shortage of wonderment.
I mean, look at that light that shines through your window!!!
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