A Beautiful Disaster
Detail photos are pretty. You know, the fork beside the plate, the flowers in a vase, the centerpieces, the invitation laid out. I appreciate the effort made to choose every detail and I believe great thought was put into how it should be laid out.
But I’ll admit, I don’t look at a single “detail” photo for very long. I can’t say I have seen a detail photo that caught me dead in my tracks, that made me linger and study every inch. I guess they are meant for those looking for inspiration.
From a photography standpoint, “detail” photos are very predictable.
To do the same thing over and over again is insanity. And I apply that to photography - whether in the doing of photography or looking at it. There is such a large quantity of everything out there and so I don’t believe in settling. We should have high expectations for what we feed our brain.
Now, a mess - I love a mess. I could study a mess for a while. And every mess is not the same mess. It is unpredictable, it can’t be staged and if it is staged - it doesn’t look as good as the real thing.
I wish I could always photograph the aftermath of a wedding because those photos leave you to build a story with your imagination and a wondering of what happened the night before.
We watched bottles of wine spill, lemons get picked from the lemon tree, multiple fires start during dinner, wax pouring from the candle sticks and people molding the hot wax during conversation.
I had fun going through the aftermath of this wedding. Even though I was there, I still wonder what happened at these tables and the conversations that were had.

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